Sunday, 10 August 2014

The Swansea Way Fantasy Footie - Get involved!

Have you got what it takes?

Growing up fantasy football was always a very separate thing to the Swans. While we were in the lower divisions it seemed unlikely we'd ever be able to pick Swansea players in fantasy football teams, but we're about to embark on our fourth Premier League campaign and what better way to get ready for the big kick off than by picking your own team to manage over the course of the season?

We've started an official The Swansea Way league on the Premier League fantasy football site, and it only takes a few minutes to get set up. You can join by clicking the link here: LINK, or if you have a team already registered on the PL site you can use the code 815343-197857 to join. Get involved! We've currently got around fourty-five people signed up - if we get to one hundred I'll find a snazzy prize to give away to the winner at the end of the season!

Here's my team - what's yours?